DAT, which stands for DOT Authentication Token, draws an analogy from the mathematical concept of the dot product.

Yet, DAT goes beyond by incorporating advanced cryptographic techniques like PublicKey Cryptography, Multi-party Compute to ensure decentralization, and Blockchain for maintaining statefulness. It adopts the JWT syntax, featuring a three-component structure for enhanced interpretability. This perspective allows us to perceive DAT as a Web3 JWT.




    ver?: number;           // Optional: "Version" of the token
    typ: DatTokenType;      // "Type" of the DAT token
    sig?: SigAlgoWithCurve; // Optional: "Signing algorithm" along with curve been used
    "#"?: HashAlgorithm;    // Optional: "Hashing algorithm" used being signing the actual payload
DatTokenType can be SESSION, BASIC and CHALLENGE


    exp: number;   // * Time of token expiry
    sfn?: boolean; // Optional: Determines whether stateful or stateless authentication
    msg?: string   // Optional: Custom message used for signing


    dig: string;   // Hex string of the signature digest